An archer by Lucantonio degli Uberti, c.Ursula and her Virgins from the altarpiece at the Church of St. Reclining Diana by Lucas Cranach the Elder, c.Samson killing the lion by Hans Burgkmair, 1515.A wild man aiming at a sleeping stag, the Geese Book (PML M.905, vol.Sebastian, Hours of Bonaparte Ghislieri (Brit. Martyrdom of the Pilgrims and the Funeral of St Ursula by Vittore Carpaccio, 1493.A putto with a quiver and a bow on a cord over his shoulder, Praeparatio ad missam pontificalem (PML M.279, fol.Battle between Phebus and the python, Ovid's Metamorphoses (BNF Fr.Sebastian at Saint-Étienne-de-Tinée by Giovanni Baleison and Giovanni Canavesio, late 15th century Sebastian, book of hours (PML M.1067, fol. Hunt of the musk deer, Livre des simples médecines (BNF Fr.Eros, Epithalamium de nuptiis Petri Comitis et Helisabeth Vicomercatae (PML M.1148, fol.De Sphaera by Cristoforo de Predis, 1450s.
Detail from The Crucifixion by Conrad Laib, 1449.Sebastian, prayerbook of Barbara von Cilly (ÖNB 1767, fol. Drawing of a bowcase and a quiver of arrows by Pisanello, 1438.Resurrection of Christ by Jörg Breu the Elder, c.The execution of Odoacer, De casibus (BNF Fr.Archers in a fresco of the martyrdom of St.Gaston Phoebus’ Book of the Hunt (PML M.1044), c.101), Tacuinum Sanitatis, (BNF Nouvelle acquisition latine 1673), c. Personification of Love, Der Wälsche Gast (PML G.54, fol.The death of Absalom, Historien Bibel (PML M.268, fol.
#Mongolian quiver of arrows series
The west wind, Tacuinum sanitatis (ÖNB series nova 2644, fol. Esau hunting, Concordantiae caritatis (Stiftsbibliothek Lilienfeld 151, fol. Nobles at a fountain, Cocharelli Treatise on the Vices (British Library Egerton 3781, verso), c. Kristan von Luppin, eine Thüring (fol. Kumane kidnaps a girl in a fresco series from the legend of Ladislaus at Velka Lomnica in Slovakia, c. Giles and the doe, the Picture-Book of Madame Marie (BNF NAL 16251, fol. A trumpeter, psalter-hours (PML M.183, fol. Rider on a white horse, the Morgan Apocalypse (PML M.524, fol. Rider on a white horse, Apocalypse (BNF Fr. A unicorn hunt, the Reiner Musterbuch (ÖNB 507, fol. The Battle of Hastings ( detail) as well as lower border scenes HIC EST WILLEL DUX, ETIUS, and HIC FRANCI PUGNANT ET CECIDERUNT QUI ERANT CUM HAROLDO in the Bayeux Tapestry. Detail from an exterior of a cup with an archer, c. Athenian red-figured plate with an Amazon, c. Most of the arrow quivers in these examples seems to be attached to a belt or otherwise suspended at the waist or at hip-level. Arrow-spacers from the Mary Rose, 1545: photos here and here. 225v and 235r, Passages Oultre Mer (BNF Fr. Possibly on the army of Louis IX on fols. Leather arrow spacer at the Museum of London, 15th century. See also Archer's Gear: The Arrow Bag, Making a Medieval Arrow Bag, and Making the Medieval Arrow Bag: The Arrow Spacer and The Cloth Bag. The Adoration of the Kings by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1564 (note bolts tucked into belt and hat). A man with a longbow and arrows tucked into his belt, apparently shooting crows in a field, October, The Grimani Breviary, c. Paris under siege by Joan of Arc, Vigiles de Charles VII (BNF Fr. The rider on the white horse, Apocalypse (Auct. Lamech, Speculum humanae salvationis (Douce f. John holding the partridge, Speculum historiale (BNF Fr. An archer drawing his bow (note arrows in belt), a book of John Gower’s poetry (Laud Misc. Archer (John Gower?) shooting at the world, Vox Clamantis (Hunter 59, fol. A deer hunt, Livres de Modus et Ratio (BNF Fr. 88v and 156r, Romance of Alexander (Bodl.
Longbowman and crossbowman, The Luttrell Psalter (Brit.Saul destroys Nahash and the Ammonites (fol. See also The Personal Carriage of Arrows from Hastings to the Mary Rose. I've separated them by type: arrows tucked into a belt, arrow bags, quivers for longbow arrows, and quivers for crossbow bolts. These illustrations are selected because they show how the medieval archer carried his arrows. Archers used different methods for holding their arrows, which is reflected in both extant examples of medieval arrow quivers as well as illustrations and artwork of huntsmen and archers.